The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Dol Nendin and the Ruins of Dol Gorf

Dol Gorf (S."Hill of Haste") was an outlying promontory of the hills that comprised Creb Durga. Taken by Hallas of Dol Tinare' forces in late August 1644, the fortified camp was recaptured by a violent night attack led by the Warlord Ardagor himself in September 1640 and had to be captured a second time.The mercenaries stationed here were suffering from poor morale in their exposed position on the hilltop.The commander, a Northman knight named Elfwine, was incompetent and a drunk.He was not patrolling aggressively with his cavalry, negating any benefit Hallas might have gained from holding this position, which was squarely on the Warlord's line of communication with Angmar.Cuag Machbair, the tain of the Dunnish mercenary company manning the walls of the camp, lacked the social rank to get Elfwine removed and was considering having him "accidentally" killed before his slovenly soldiering invited another night assault.


  • MERP:Arnor