The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

The Boldog (S. "Torment-slayer"), also known as Boldog of Doriath and Boldog the Slayer, was a great Orc-captain of the First Age. He was actually a lesser Maia or an offspring of a corporeal Maia and as such a Maiarind in the shape of a tremendous and dire Orc.

Boldog was not a personal name but a title given to the entire breed of orc-shaped Maiar or Maiarindi, the Boldogs or Orc-Demons.

It has been surmised that Boldog of Doriath fought in the Battle of the North-marches of Doriath where he was killed by Elu Thingol himself in 465 FA.


  • Spear of Iron